" Manila News Meets Your Varied News And Information Needs "

"Broadcast, Print And The Web Qualify Your Sources"

Manila News
can meet your varied news and information needs. Your sources include Philippine newspapers, Philippine radio, Philippine TV, and even Filipino websites.

Whether you’re in-country or abroad, you’ll have your Manila news.

Please proceed.

Two Faces of Manila News

International Connotation

Internationally, it simply means news in or from the Philippines. It is more commonly called Philippine news nowadays.

Here’s a headline example of it – A giant, 1 tonner crocodile captured by villagers in Agusan marshland in Mindanao. At 21 feet long (6.4m), it landed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s longest and biggest.

Crocodile Named Lolong
Fearsome Crocodile named Lolong


International journalism derives outstanding Philippine news from news centers in Metro Manila. At times, international correspondents don’t need to go to the provinces to gather repetitive news. But… Some go for the action they want to feel themselves…

Newsmen In Action
Newsmen in action” width=

Some go to travel…

Travel Correspondents
Alert Travel Correspondents


Locally, it is interpreted by Filipinos as news emanating from Metro Manila. It is particularly true with Filipinos residing outside the metro. Similarly, it is also referenced to the City of Manila.

Manila News… Turning Digital

People Want Speed

When I missed watching a Philippine Basketball Association championship game on TV, I go to the Internet and find who won. After a few days, I watch that missed game on a podcast.

PBA Game
PBA game

The paper news? Well…

The papers have the print next day. I can’t wait for it. I wanted fast information. And many Filipinos are now behaving similarly. Clearly…

Paper copy can’t have the speed the digital lane has. Of important note is when concerned Filipinos want immediate news about disaster. For instance…

The massive floods in Luzon Philippines in 2011 and 2012, including Metro Manila, would make you impatient to wait for the morning news the next day.

Philippine Flood
Philippine flood

It’s awful, paper prints can’t put up the news speedily as the Internet does.

Paper Copy Is Going Away

Filipino publishers of printed news have already seen the shifting news medium from paper to the digital form in 2005. But they were quick to adjust.

By 2010, most big newspaper firms were already running e-news parallel to their print versions. Even as they continue to make sales, they know paper copy is going away. That’s why…

In the not so distant future, this delivery boy may not be hurling newspaper copies into people’s front yards anymore.

Newspaper Delivery Boy
Newspaper delivery boy

Or these hefty newspaper piles may all totally belong to the past…

Stacks of Newspapers
Stacks of newspapers

As paper goes, this mammoth leads the herald of digital onslaught…

The Name Is Google
 The name is Google

Another collaborating giant further stamps that digital blitz…

It Is Yahoo
It is Yahoo

Be that as it may, providers of news are all too aware of the digital rampage. And there’s one area they take notice of. It’s…

International Content

Scant International News

News contained in domestic news media lack international content. That’s what the local populace normally gets. As if scantiness is more of a need. It’s because…

Local broadcast and print media do not need to bombard its audience with international news. The people want less of it. They only want those that are relevant to them. Instead…

There’s more need for local news.

Too Western

A growing number of Filipinos want international news other than what the West provides. Such news carries international news that is too Western.

This is one representative…

British Broadcasting Corporation
British Broadcasting Corporation

And another one…

Voice of America
Voice of America

Maybe, to beat the monotony, Filipinos want an alternative…

Russia Today
Russia Today


Internet news provides the alternative sources. And the borders between truth and lies somehow get better defined and better understood.

Wrap Up

Manila News provides the varied news and information you need. You can get it from Philippine newspapers, Philippine radio, Philippine TV, or Filipino websites.

That’s it.

If there’s something you want to clarify about this topic, please Contact Me.

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